In reviewing the latest statistics on LEED credentialed professionals, I am surprised how few “LEED AP Homes” there are in relation to the other specialty options (247 total compared to 21,000 BD&C professionals). With this tight housing market, you would think more builders would be seeking out this credential as way to distinguish themselves from the competition.
Why so few? In talking with some builders, it turns out there are a number of factors:
- Rating System Requirements: Unlike the other rating systems, LEED AP Homes is the only rating system that requires the involvement of ‘pre-approved’ entities, specifically LEED for Homes Provider and Green Rater.
- Competition with the NAHB: The National Association of Home Builders – offers a competing credential called the Certified Green Professional (CGP) for professionals participating in design and construction of high-performance green homes. This rival credential that has managed to attract several more individuals (4,352 more actually) than the LEED AP Homes credential .
- Pushing Green can Turn Off Potential Buyers: Many builders feel that getting too technical with the green details can actually overwhelm buyers and discourage sales. As a result, most builders feel they just need to be knowledge of a few features regarding lower operating and maintenance costs, instead of being a LEED expert.
- Appraisers Not Seeing the Green Value: Many builders are not seeing appraisers recognize the value that green features add therefore the builders are not investing the time to pursue the credential.
Nice article, I might add that LEED is used more often for larger projects. Because of the hassle factor it is less popular for smaller projects.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I'd be curious to hear from people working on small projects and if they feel the same way.